Monday, March 22, 2010

Thrifty Pups!

The worst part of having a dog has to be cleaning up after This is especially true when they are out on walks or at the park. Most people use the little plastic bags that are for sale in pet stores and other stores. We use these too, but having two dogs can make this pretty expensive! So the other day we had a great idea! Anytime it is raining (or there is a good chance of rain) our newspapers come in these bags:

We discovered that if you cut off the knotted end at the top like below, they make perfect doggie clean-up bags!

We tried them out for the first time on our walk Friday and they worked perfectly! Our thrifty pups are now saving money a time!

*UPDATE: When sharing this idea with a fellow dog owner yesterday, she also suggested using the plastic bags that bread comes in (after the bread is eaten of course!) Even more savings!

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